Recording Area Annual Totals

97 Species in 2013, 99 in 2012, 94 in 2011, 108 species were recorded in 2010;

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Just in the nick of time - HOBBY added

Seems like I am the only one posting on this group......idea was for more input....hay-ho
Summer seems to have returned with temperatures this afternoon reaching a balmy 24 degrees C. Light winds throughout and clear skies but thick fog over part of the area until mid morning....

 At home in the garden, 4 BULLFINCH visited the Sunflower Heart feeder for about 20 minutes around 0900 hours whilst over at WILSTONE RESERVOIR (TRING), a full inventory went like this........
Highlight was a party of 4 EURASIAN CURLEW and single BLACK-TAILED GODWIT that arrived noisily from the east at 1209, not that long after the fog had cleared. After a few flyarounds, they eventually came down on the Drayton bank and were still present after I had walked round to the hide from the jetty. I was able to take a large number of images (see immediately below) before they finally flew off strongly SSW at 1316. Bill Pegram, JT and Ken Simmons all connected.

Great Crested Grebe (15 - including the 2 juveniles)
Little Egret (10)
Grey Heron (3)
Mute Swan (45)
Greylag Geese (78)
Mallard (260)
Common Teal (535 - large increase)
Eurasian Wigeon (135 - increase)
Gadwall (29)
NORTHERN PINTAIL (4 present - 3 drakes and a female - my first of the autumn)
Northern Pochard (146)
Tufted Duck (not counted)
Red-crested Pochard (2, with both juveniles still surviving on Tringford too)
Red Kite (5)
Common Buzzard (6)
HOBBY (at least 3 still present)
WATER RAILS (8 along SE shore and another by the hide)
Coot (down to 501 birds)
BLACK-TAILED GODWIT (still 4 juveniles present whilst an additional bird arrived with the Curlew)
COMMON GREENSHANK (long-stayer still present in Cemetery Corner)
Common Kingfisher (2)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (1)
Meadow Pipit (slight passage - 4 birds)
Grey Wagtail (4)
Mistle Thrush (2)
LESSER WHITETHROAT (3 - 2 in the East Hedgerow and another in the orchard)
Blackcap (male in the orchard)
Long-tailed Tit (roving flock of 16 in wood behind hide)
Chaffinch (light passage - 5 birds noted)
Bullfinch (pair in the orchard)

Just in the nick of time, HOBBY was added to my Recording Area Yearlist, with a family party of 4 birds hunting over the wood (Don Stone had 5); also Sparrowhawk, 11 Common Buzzard, 15 Red Kite and 28 Stock Doves, with 6 Barn Swallows through.

An array of Common Buzzards were in the air including the very white individual photographed above

Many Red Kites also

This juvenile Linnet was hungry

....whilst this tree held both the Great Spotted Woodpecker and Stock Dove above

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