SUNDAY 3 MAY 2009The wind veered Northwesterly overnight bringing cool winds and much cooler temperatures. The wind remained quite fresh throughout the day with fairly overcast skies and occasional sunny periods.
LOCALITY WITHHELD (BUCKS)I was absolutely delighted to find 4 adult drake
RUDDY DUCKS at one site in the Amersham District, raising hope that they may have a bumper breeding season.
The pair of Mute Swans still doing well, with the female still sat on the eggs
GREAT CRESTED GREBES: single pairs present on both lakes
Mallard - successful breeding with 1 female with 2 ducklings and another with four
Tufted Duck (5 present - 3 drakes)
WESTERN REED WARBLER (singing male present for its third day in the 'Middle Reedbed' on the larger pit - Chris
et al)
Reed Bunting (singing male)
An excellent selection of waterfowl present with confirmed breeding of GADWALL.
GREAT CRESTED GREBE (pair; male feeding with female incubating)
LITTLE GREBE (2 pairs nesting)
Grey Heron (first-summer by island)
Mute Swan (pair breeding - female sat on nest - with all 3 first-summers from last year's nest still present)
Canada Geese (16)
Mallard (8)
GADWALL (female with 7 small chicks by island; also a single drake, 2 separate pairs and group of 3 - female and 2 drakes)
Tufted Duck (28 present, a very high May count - including 11 females)
NORTHERN POCHARD (adult drake)
Coots (breeding success: 4 pairs with small young, one pair with 5, one with 3 and 2 with 2 each; additional 14 nests)
Moorhen (6 pairs nesting)
Green Woodpecker (male yaffling)
Blackcap (male singing)
Goldfinch (male singing)
Chaffinch (male singing)
Greenfinch (male singing)
Great Tit; Wren (2), Common Blackbird (4 pairs)
CHAFFINCH HOUSE, LITTLE CHALFONTMy garden pair of Common Blackbirds have successfully raised two chicks to flying stage; they are currently doing very well with both parents feeding them an entire Cottage Pie that Carmel gave them
House Sparrows still feeding chirping young, as are two pairs of Dunnock